Saturday, December 20, 2008


Well, it is here! Christmas break. It has never been so needed. Weirdest thing: there is snow in the Tri-Cities. We rarely get snow. I am just glad that it is nowhere near the levels that Pullman experienced.

Here is an update on what has been going on:

- All my presentations went well during Dead Week. Go Fab Five!
- Dinner Thursday of Dead Week with Women's Group
- I came down with an itty bitty cold. It wasn't too bad, though. I'm feeling better =)
- Fab Five wine party on Sunday before finals. We are going to miss you , Marin!
- NO FINALS! (Well, I just had to turn in my take home audit final on Monday and my ethics memo for Sue's class on Wednesday, but those weren't too bad)

I am going to relax over break because I know that my final semester at WSU will be busy. I am taking advanced tax, a seminar on cost accounting, accounting theory, and PNW history. Blerg. I am hoping to get a head start by getting my Becker materials and my Master's oral case over break. We'll see how much I get done. Wish me luck!


Monday, December 8, 2008

dance parties and gingerbread houses

I had such a great weekend! Friday was the accounting pub crawl. Now, I'm not one to go crazy, but I wanted to hang out with all of the MAcc kiddos. Therefore, I drove the Fab Five! We joined up with the group at Denny's and then went to Zeppoz, My Office, and Ranch Viejo. Then the Fab Five finished the night at Mallory's with a dance party to B. Spears! (Her new album is amazing!) After the dance party Mallory, Calley, and Marin headed to Mike's, while Shari and I called it a night. It was amazing just to let loose and have fun with the girls.
The Fab Five!

On Saturday a group of us from St. Tommy's went to Bishop Place to visit with some of the residents. We made gingerbread houses and decorated Christmas cookies with them! It was really neat to see God working throughout the project. I hope that I am able to go visit more often next semester.

17 days till Christmas!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I LOVE the Christmas season. There is something about it that makes me smile. Here is my Top 10 List of why I LOVE Christmas and the season of Advent.

Dani's Christmas Top 10 List

10. School's out ( and nothing to work on!)
9. Christmas sweaters!(OK- not the ugly ones, but pretty,sparkly ones!)
8. The Nutcracker ( yeah, I was in it. I was the best mouse you've ever seen)
7. Holiday Specials (Rudolph, Frosty, the Grinch, etc.)
6. Christmas movies (Home Alone anyone?)
5. Christmas cookies (yay for sugar cookies!)
4. Christmas music ( I only allow myself to listen to it after Thanksgiving)
3. All of the smells (weird, but I love the smell of pine, cranberry, and sugar cookies)
2. Dinner with family

And......(drum roll please)

1. The birth of Christ- pretty cool that God would send His only Son down to earth to save us, huh?