Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Getting ready to go!

Mallory and I

Dr. Sweeney and I

Me with mom and dad!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Graduation- pics to come soon!

Graduation was fantastic! My parents came up on Friday and had a chance to meet some of my professors and my dad was finally able to met Fr. Steve before we headed to dinner with the Morton family. We spent the rest of the evening just relaxing :) On Saturday I walked at 11:30 and then left Pullman for the last time. It was a bit surreal: balancing the excitement of being done with school forever, sadness of leaving the place I've called home for 5 years, and the knowledge that I still have audit and regulation to take. Pics should be up soon!

The last few days have been interesting. Another round on antibiotics for the eyes, trying to gear up for audit (May 29!) and adjusting to being back home. I send my transcripts in tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have word on BEC and FAR soon! While I wait I will try to forget that my future is dependent upon these exams. OK- I can retake them if I need to, but I really don't want to! Any suggestions on how to destress??

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What a weekend...

Have to say this has been one of the MOST eventful weekends ever. It started on Friday. The girls and I celebrated being DONE with classes. Forever. We had a blast. Saturday was filled with watching season three of Friends, taking a fabulous nap, and going to a house warming party. Today, consequently, was the day that I tried to catch up on studying for my two finals.

You may ask, though, what was the best part of the weekend?? The two hours I spent at the ER tonight to be told I have CONJUCTIVITIS! This is fondly known as pink eye. I honestly don't know how in the world I got it. I didn't wake up with my eyes glued shut, so I wasn't quite sure it was pink eye. By the evening my eyes hurt so much that I didn't go to Mass and went to the ER because minor emergency was closed. My wonderful friend Shari went with me and we were actually able to study Becker while we were in the waiting room! All I could do was laugh. My last week in Pullman I come down with pink eye. I just hope it is gone by Saturday. I just happen to be GRADUATING that day!!!!

(Girls's night- pre pink eye!)