Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello 2009!

Hello all! Sorry it has been awhile since my last post. I've been so busy with Christmas and New Years, but now I have time!

Christmas was wonderful this year. My aunt and uncle came in from Seattle to spend it with us, which is always special. We had dinner Christmas Eve, went to Midnight Mass, and then followed up with opening presents the next morning and a big Christmas dinner. One of our traditions is that my mom always gets up really early to make cinnimon rolls Christmas morning. I can't tell you how nice it is to wake up Christmas morning and smell fresh cinnimon rolls! I am also lucky because both sets of my grandparents are here, so we were able to spend the day will all of them as well. Midnight Mass always feels special because everyone is dressed up and you really feel the true meaning of Christmas. Also, it is the only time that we have the whole family together at Mass. I just love that time together.

The day after Christmas we all took part in another tradition: shopping! While I was limited to window shopping I was able to help my mom, sister, and aunt find some great deals! We all then went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was fantastic! Brad Pitt was great, and I have always loved Cate Blanchett. The next few days for me were filled with catching up with my friend Kristina, spending time with family, and watching Sex and the City. You would be amazed: I finished the whole series! On New Years Eve I first went with my parents to our friend Darla's house. We've known Darla and her family for ages and she served as my confirmation sponsor. I visited with them for a little while and then went to my friend Kristina's sister's place to ring in the New Year. The eight of us drank Cosmos and watched Project Runway until it was time for the ball to drop. It was the perfect New Years.

2009 is going to bring a lot of changes for me. I will graduate in May, move to Seattle, take the CPA exam, and start work full time at Ernst & Young. I pray that God will guide me and give me strength as I move on to the next chapter of my life. I also pray that 2009 will be a wonderful year for all of you as well!

1 comment:

Kayleen said...

Hey Dani - thanks for the well wishes! We all had a nice New Years...pretty low key but it was good to welcome 2009 with high expectations!

I miss you too - I hope that you have a great semester and that it flies by quickly! Hopefully you can make a trip over after Lou is born, it would be great to see you before May :)